We all know that there are plenty of different breeds of all kinds of animals. Household pets like dogs and cats are probably the most diverse ones.
Today as you can see, we are talking about a specific breed of dog, a German Shorthair Pointer which is a medium to a large-sized breed of dog developed in the 19th century in Germany. This is a versatile hunting breed with a streamlined body and very strong legs. This makes it a hunter’s number one choice K9, but it is also a great family pet. This is due to them being so people-oriented and having a very kind and protective nature.
This breed of dogs, as we mentioned was developed in Germany and they were quickly becoming specialized for either pointers, trackers or retrievers. Their good hunting skills and kind nature swiftly brought them closer to Aristocrats. Despite them having a name pointer, the purpose of this breed was to get a really good multipurpose dog. And they did succeed in this. If you plan on getting one of these for yourself or your family you need to know that they are very active and athletic and that males can weigh between 55 to 70 pounds while female dogs can weigh 45 to 60 pounds.
Thanks to this your German Shorthair Pointer will need a lot of activities and it will take a lot of time to tire themselves. Thanks to us you will find out how to tire them well, and thanks to BestBoxedMattress you will have a quality place mattress to reset, both you and your dog.
If you are wondering why would someone need to tire their dog out, well the answer is pretty straightforward. If you have a breed of dog that is highly energetic, athletic and hearty like this breed today, you need to give them a lot of exercise and activities that will make them more smooth while in the house. This of course is more than important for the dog owners who don’t have a backyard and who live in their apartments. If you want to save your apartment, your furniture and your sanity then you need to consider having your days filled with all kinds of activities that will help your dog be calm and soothe at home.
1. Obedience

Obedience training may not require you to work your dog out physically that much, but you are actively working them mentally which is equally important. This is also important if you want to have a good-behaving dog in and around your home and when you have company or other pets around. Dogs are really special and they need a lot of training and it is in their DNA to follow instructions. If you train them well you will never have issues with them no matter what the situation is. This requires a lot of patience but it all pays out in the end. You can do anything from sit-downs to rollovers, and adding new tricks here and there will also be good for your shorthair pointer. New tricks will push them real hard both mentally and physically and after that, they will need a longer rest for sure.
2. Changing their feeding behaviour

This initially sounds a bit strange, and it goes against what other trainers are telling you about routine and all of that, but with this breed of dog training them to find food and training to use what is in there, DNA is a great thing. We are all used to regular feeding – there is a bowl or any other vessel, sitting in one part of the room next to their water and this is the feeding area. But what if you change this up a bit and if you make them find their food or “struggle” a bit to get it. With dogs that are hunting dogs, it would be a good idea to make them search for food strengthens their senses and makes them work physically which is another thing that tires them out. There is a bit more toned-down option for this and it is called a foraging mat. These are mats that are designed to make your dog sniff and forage for food. This will make them more active and more engaged instead of just approaching their bowl and vacuuming whatever is inside. They spend some time playing, they are fed and they are active the whole time which is the most important thing if you want a fun way to tire them a bit.
3. Fetch

You all are now thinking “well that was obvious” and you are right but most of us forget how important these types of games are to both us and the dog. The game of fetch is simple enough and it tires your dog physically, but all of us can step up that game a notch and make them work mentally as well, doubling down on the intensity of the game. Add an obedience factor in the game by making your dog heal before you throw it or wait some while after you throw it. Make them work hard both mentally and physically and you can wear them out quickly. You will have quality time together; you will train your dog and you will make their time a lot of fun. This all cuts down on their anxiety at home and makes them unwilling to make a mess inside because of excess energy that they don’t have to spend anywhere. It will also save you a lot of slippers.
Having a dog is great and all but most of us forget that it is a big commitment and a big responsibility as well. These creatures are the best friends anyone will ever have but they need some guidelines to live up to their full potential.
Some of the things we mentioned here will be slightly adjusted depending on the breed of the dog you own and depending on their nature as well. All of them love activities and stuff to do, some more than others so adjust yourself toward that and your dog. Have a lot of fun in the process and enjoy their company, that is all the unconditional love we will ever get.