Taking care of yourself comes in many different ways. From personal hygiene to a full-on self-care routine, there is a lot you can do to be, feel, and look better. Washing and cleaning ourselves is often not enough. Basic hygiene is actually thought to be the bare minimum, the basic form of caring for yourself. It is everything else that counts as a routine and something that can actually help your skin and the entire body look younger, be stronger and more resistant, and remain free or wrinkles and dryness for longer. While looking after the skin on your entire body may be important, there are areas that need much more attention than others. Apart from this, you cannot use the same approach or the same type of product for every region. This is why there are special creams and other topical products for the hands, the feet, sensitive regions where the skin is softer, etc. Out of all of these, it is the face of the skin that typically preoccupies the daily routine.

Taking Case of Your Kisser
Proper face care is important because the face is the most important part of our image. It is actually the image and basically who we are. Taking good care of it should last your entire lifetime. Now, there are numerous different ways to look after your face, from wearing sunglasses to protect the eyes and have less wrinkles from squinting, to using the right products for your skin type. However, nothing is more important than good old-fashioned face washing. Washing the face is as important as washing any other part of the body. And you guessed it, there is a special way of doing it. Actually, there is also the right amount of doing it properly since the frequency of washing one’s face is more important than many believe. In this article we talk about washing the face and how often you should be doing it. To learn more about skin care, check out skincell.org.
A Daily Thing?
So how often is too often, and is there even the wrong amount of washing your face? Can you over-wash it? Does wetting it during showering counts as one? There are many questions surrounding this all of a sudden it seems way too complicated as something as trivial and seemingly easy. Right from the start, it should be noted that although it looks easy and straightforward, there is much more to it than just using water and some soap to wash the face. You have to understand multiple things about it, from water temperature and the right time of day to wash it, to what products to use.
The rule of thumb is quite clear and it states that everyone should wash their face at least two times a day. This implies doing it at least once in the morning after you wake up, and once in the evening when you are done with your day and ready to call it a night. The skin creates oil and sebum during the day, while dust and dirt that cannot be seen also get attached to the face skin whenever we leave the home. That is a lot for the skin to work with all on its own, and although it can, you can make it much easier for it and protect it. Doing so will help you preserve your natural look for decades and help you feel better and more confident.

Doing Too Much or Too Little
We mentioned doing too much and over-washing it. There is also the problem of under-washing the face. So are these two a thing? Yes, they are, and they can be quite problematic as a matter of fact. Over-washing the face can strip the natural skin barrier, the outermost part that protects against many things and one that needs to remain there. If you wash the face too often, it could result in dry, itchy, red, and irritated skin that feels too clean. Doing so will also make your skin less resistible in the long run and more prone to wrinkles, pimples, and acne. Also, your face will feel tight which is its desperate call for moisture, hence the need for hydration products.
To prevent this, do not over-wash it. It is more than enough to do it twice, perhaps three times with a midday wash during midsummer when you are sweating more and when you spend a lot of time on sun and in salty water. On the other hand, doing too little will cause the skin to break out and more and more acne to appear because of the clogged pores. You can easily prevent under-washing your face by washing at least once per day. This is enough to allow the face to breath and repair itself during the time you spend sleeping.
What to Use
The proper way of washing it also matters, both with over-and under-washing. If you do it a few times per day, you do not need strong products especially if you have sensitive skin. Acne-prone and oily skin require a more thorough cleaning so the cleansers should be specific to these skin types. Combination skin is arguably the easiest to deal with since it can be cleansed twice a day with different cleansing gels, daily cleanser, washes, and exfoliators. Moisturizers are important for all skin types, but they are the most crucial for dry and sensitive skin. If your skin is overly sensitive, make sure to throw in quality micellar water for a more effective, gentle cleaning session.

How to Wash
Lastly, we need to mention the water itself. The basic rules of physics teach us that things expand when exposed to heat, and shrink when exposed to cold. The same goes for the facial skin and the pores it has. If you wash it with warm water, you will give the skin what it needs as the pores will expand, open, and be cleaned. When you are rinsing the product and finishing your wash, use water that is a bit colder to help the skin close the powers so that nothing, or at least the bare minimum, can get in there. So the steps go as follows: Step 1, use warm water to wet the face thoroughly. Step 2, use the product. Step 3, rinse the product with colder water. Do the same with every wash and your facial skin will thank you.