One of the most important items in everyone’s life is the space in which we live. A nice and well-organized environment, in which we spend time, has a significant effect on our psyche and the satisfaction that will accompany us throughout life. Whether we will be the owners of an apartment or a house, of a large or small space, what style in the exterior and interior we will choose…it all depends on several factors. The finances at our disposal, our taste and vision of arranging the place where we live, the number of members of our family, these are all important facts that, for the most part, define our need to design the space in a certain way.
If we happen to be the lucky ones who own our own house, whether they built it or bought it ready-made, we will have many benefits and opportunities, but also more obligations regarding maintenance. Apartment owners are often not even aware of how much life in the house brings obligations. They have probably never encountered snow-covered driveways, a leaking roof, gutters full of leaves that require cleaning, and there is another specificity that is not limited to houses but is common in them. It’s moisture.

What is mold?
Damp is one of every homeowner’s worst nightmares. Black mold in the corners, peeling walls, a heavy smell that seeps into closets and wardrobes, furniture and carpets that get wet over time and begin to rot and decay. In any case, moisture is an unwelcome guest and a synonym for a problem that is known to many, and everyone wants to remove it and avoid it.
Moisture implies colonies of fungi on the walls and in all damp places. It is very dangerous for the respiratory organs, because it emits toxins, and children are especially at risk. Also, some people are extremely allergic to the spores produced by fungi, and it can lead to suffocation and swelling of all mucous membranes, thus life-threatening. Therefore, everything should be done so that there are as few wet surfaces and unhealthy rooms as possible in the living space. Fortunately, today there are so many materials that are good for damp prevention, and you can see at least part of the offer on, which will help you in choosing materials when you build a house.
Choosing a place to build a house
The big difference is whether you are building a house from the ground up or you bought it already built. If you have decided to buy land and build a new house, you should pay attention to the terrain where you are planning your future home. If it is wet, already at the start, if it drains poorly, and if the ground level is low, and water naturally flows and collects there (rainwater and there are groundwater), then moisture will be a guaranteed resident and move in with you.
That is why it is necessary to inquire, before buying and all plans, about the nature of the plot you are buying and the whole neighborhood and street. Were there any floods, retention of water in the basements, sewage water breaking out through the sanitary facilities, what are the existing drains and drainage system in the street. In accordance with the received information, decide on the purchase.
If you bought the house, already built, and found that moisture is already present, then you have to stick to proven methods for eradicating and reducing its presence.
How to protect the house from mold:
1. Ventilation

Given that fungi do not have the opportunity to develop in dry and sunny places, regular ventilation and “letting the sun’s rays” into the house is the first measure to protect the house from moisture. Daily and as long airing as possible, even with the closet door open, will do a lot to suppress moisture. Wherever O2 (oxygen) and dry air reach, fungi disappear. Also, winter days, especially windy and frosty ones, have a good effect on drying walls, floors and all existing wet surfaces. It is an effective and proven method. Don’t let darkness and stale air reign in your house, but open the windows wide, create a flow of air throughout the house, and you’ll notice that you’re winning the battle against moisture.
2. Cleaning

Cleaning and washing, orderly maintenance of the house are prerequisites for the absence of molds and fungi in your household. Washing with various agents, preferably non-toxic, such as baking soda, vinegar and dish detergents, then specialized means for removing mold, can successfully remove these dangerous phenomena. Rubbed and dried surfaces, with clean and dry air in the room have minimal chances of fungi developing on them.
3. Carpets

Although they make our rooms beautifully decorated and give the impression of comfort and softness, carpets and various rugs and bedspreads are not good, if the possibility of attracting moisture is certain. Especially if they are located on wooden floors, parquet floors, then if they are placed along the very edges of the walls…carpets attract moisture and it collects in the walls and in the carpets. This also applies to bed covers. If they are attached to the walls, they will certainly attract moisture. The furniture itself, furniture fabric, upholstery, sponges…attract moisture. Therefore, along with all other methods of combating moisture, move beds and armchairs, carpets and rugs away from the walls. Thus, the chances of moisture and mold are reduced.
4. Heating

Heating in winter and air conditioners in summer dry the air and contribute to the prevention of moisture and mold. In winter, all rooms should be heated, it is better for the temperature in the whole house to be lower by a few degrees, but uniform, than to overheat a few rooms, and some to remain completely cold. The collision of warm air on one side and the ice wall on the other, contributes to condensation, and thus to the creation of mold and moisture. The heating needs to be, not less than 20c, and to be maintained, if possible, both day and night. This is how an appropriate air drying atmosphere is created, and thus the entire interior.
5. Specialized chemicals against mold

Once upon a time, ordinary white lime was used, which was healthy and was widespread in the defense and elimination of mold. Nowadays, with the progress of the chemical industry, special coatings have been created to treat various surfaces where mold and moisture have formed:
– ointments against mold for wood
-paints for walls that prevent the formation of mold
-means for cleaning sanitary ware and tiles
-antimicrobial solutions that are placed on cleaned areas and that act against all moisture products
It is absolutely necessary to eliminate or at least significantly reduce the percentage of moisture present in the house. Regardless of whether one of the guests has a violent reaction to the toxins from the mold or not, every presence and inhalation contributes to potential illness and is certainly not recommended.
That is why the application of the mentioned methods is necessary in the fight against moisture and mold. Constant care, attention and observation of all parts of the house (including the basement, pantry, attic…) will result in a timely response in case of moisture. If there is none, even better. However, do your best not to show up. In this way, you will provide your housemates and yourself with a healthy and safe living environment.