The biggest problem parents could experience with their kids is then those kids are accused of some criminal cases. There are some differences from state to state, but in most cases, a person won’t be treated in the same way as an adult if it is younger than 18. There are some differences according to the case it is accused of.
For example, a minor can be processed in the same way in case of murder or sexual assault. The most important thing here is to hire the right lawyer. It is advised to choose people with more experience with similar cases. If you need that type of legal expert, visit William Proetta Criminal Law. You should never rush with your decision. Here are some questions to ask a lawyer so you can decide whether you are making the right choice.

1. Check The Experience
It is very important to understand the difference when a person is charged as a minor and as an adult. First of all, underage people are charged for offending acts, and the consequences are not the same. The system is providing a much better chance for such a person to get back on the right path.
The crucial part is that such system has a goal to find an alternative to a jail sentence where the underage person can proceed with education while completing an alternative sentence. The most common cases are special program and probation.
The potential issue is when you have to apply this system instead of the one for adults. It depends on the type of indictment, and the lawyer can play a crucial role here. In that matter, be sure to speak with that person to see how many of similar cases he had in past, and whether he is experienced enough for the required process. Another potential problem is when the person is close to its 18th birthday, where the court can even decide to extend the process and charge him as an adult.
2. What Can You Expect?
Another reason to never rush with your selection of legal experts is that you will need someone who is more honest. There are many people who will accept any case only for the money. However, it won’t help you if that person has only profit as a main goal. The great thing is that there are people focused on helping underage people in different cases, and you will have to look for such attorney as well.
Finding such a person will help you understand more about the process, what is your child being accused of, and what are the chances for it to take more serious consequences? There are other factors that can affect this procedure. For example, it depends on your relations with the child. If you are not sure that he did not commit the crime, help you attorney to collect as many evidence you can to confirm that on court.
Another important element is to be realistic about the case. For example, if you kid stole something, and that is happening for a couple of times already, or in case that he took part in violent events or any other crime, keep in mind that some type of sentence will be inevitable. Still hiring the right person can help you minimize the level of that sentence. For example, attending a special program instead of going to jail.

3. Can He Secure the Rights of Your Child?
The legal system is not the same for kids as it is for adults. For example, the officials can arrest an underage person without reading the rights to it, and even ask additional questions without the assistance of any lawyer that will represent the kid. That could lead to various issues. For example, a minor can get afraid and unsecure so it can confirm that he was responsible for things he did not commit, like stealing or any other crime.
On the other side, it will have the same rights in front of the judge, only without a jury. The benefit of hiring the right person is that it will manage to prove that the kid made inaccurate confessions during the arrest because he was afraid or threatened. With the support of an experienced professional, there won’t be any consequences in that case.
4. Can He Secure the Alternative Sentence?
This is one of the most important things that you will have to secure when your kid is charged for a crime. Keep in mind that the consequences are not the same as they are for adults. For example, there is a chance that there won’t be any criminal record created and that the current offense will be deleted after the person reach the age of 18.
That detail is crucial for the future of the young person that is getting a sentence. For example, there are many jobs where you cannot work if you have a criminal record. Also, it is common that many companies will check that before hiring anyone.
Another important thing to keep in mind is related to the effects of certain punishment on the future of that kid. According to the statistics, most of those who got in jail as young will commit another crime once when they get out. The key is to secure a better future for that kid and find a way to secure the right path for it. Therefore, the attorney must find a way to secure an alternative like a probation, working in public service, attending a special program, and more.

As you can see, the most important thing is to avoid getting the same sentence that the adult would get for the same or similar offense. That is the main reason to look for those professionals with more experience in similar cases, and who will be able to vindicate the person and prove that finding an alternative would be the best thing that judge can make.