Silk is a precious material. Its popularity survived centuries. The dresses made out of it are still considered to be high fashion. But, the downside is that the new generations might not know too much about it. It’s possible to have an amazing, designer’s dress, made out of silk, but without an idea of how to take proper care of it. If you don’t know how to do it, then chances are you might ruin it. That would be a shame, right? It would! So, you need to find solutions to never let this happen.
This is where we are going to step in. In this article, we are going to give you a how to take care of your silk dresses – 2024 guide. Don’t worry, if you don’t know how to handle the situation, we are going to tell you. Silk has been around for centuries and many things are known about it. You can learn the proper ways of care, but only if you know where to look. Now that you’re reading this article we know that you have come to the right place. You should know it too.
It is not too complicated, or difficult, but when you never had a silk dress before, it can get messy. In addition to reading our article, another amazing way to avoid stress if you ruin your silk can be found if you visit this website, and get yourself a new one. While buying a new one is the easy solution, we can’t be against it. But, if you want to take good care of both the old and new silk dresses, keep on reading as we’re about to spill some wisdom on you.

How To Take Good Care Of It?
It’s all about the labels. All clothes have labels on them, with instructions on how to wash them, by following these you’re ensuring that no material is going to be damaged inside the washing machine. You must know the proper treatment which is allowed for silk. You do not want to ruin silk! It can create emotional damage too! We know, it has happened to many of us. So, if you don’t understand the label, or the label is not available we are going to give you the general instructions on how to wash this material.
When it comes to silk, one thing is vital – be delicate. Silk has momme weight quite lower compared to most other materials. This is why it is important to tread lightly. When we say this, you need to know that wringing is out of the question. Not in the picture! If you wring it, you are risking making the silk less quality, or even destroying the properties that make it silk in the first place. Furthermore, while anime Bleach is coming back in October and it was brutally good anime/manga in the first place, you shouldn’t, under any circumstances, bleach silk dresses. This is a big no-no. The natural fibers inside silk can get destroyed this way, and you can say bye-bye to your dress.
As you can see, silk is a very sensitive material. This is what makes it so precious. It is also what makes it hard to maintain. You’ll be shocked to hear that it should never be dried in direct sunlight. Imagine that? A material is sensitive to sunlight. The sun that gives us life, won’t be so nice towards silk dresses, trust us on that. If you expose it to the sun for too long, it is going to lose some of its properties. Another downside is that it could change its natural color, which is something you want to avoid. Yes, we know, it is hard to maintain it the right way without being overly careful.
This is why you’ll be surprised to hear that tumble drying is also not an option. No, you can’t do it this way. It is sensitive, and above all fragile as the emotions of a teenage girl. No matter how good the silk you bought, if you don’t take proper care of it, it won’t last. Tumble drying could even shrink the material, which is another problem all on its own. All of this begs the question? What to do?

How to Approach Silk Nurture?
First thing first – don’t forget it is silk. So, what you need to do for washing purposes is to use a detergent devised only for silk. The chemicals in these detergents are mixed with an idea to preserve the silk qualities and properties while washing it in the process. Many people love to wash their silk dresses by hand. Yes, this is the harder approach but it is the safest option. Once you’ve read the label you can put the clothes in lukewarm water. It’s important to separate the colors so that they don’t get mixed. After putting the silk in the water, add the detergent, but only in small quantities. Once you do this, leave the clothes submerged in the water for no more than ten minutes and no less than three. The next thing to do is to wash it carefully by stirring, and after a few rounds of it, remove the water and start the rinsing process. Once this is done, you should dry it. The best way to do this is by using a towel. Once the excess water is gone you can put it on a drying rack, and leave it to dry itself down. The best way to do this is to ventilate the room either artificially or naturally. Also, beware of the sun, and do not leave your silk exposed to direct sunlight.

Another option is of course to wash it inside of a washing machine. This is where the label reading is an essential trait. Also, separate the clothes by color, and add enough detergent. You must use a mesh bag for washing in a machine and select the right washing mode. When it’s over, also dry it with a towel and not in the drying machine. With these instructions of what to do and what not to do your silk dresses should be safe.