One of the things that the Internet has taught us all is that there is a solution to almost every problem, and most often than not, it’s pretty easy to find that solution. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that everything you can find online works or is true, as the Internet is a public good, meaning that everyone can create and post anything they want without having to check or provide proof for their statements. That is why the most common thing you can hear is that you should not believe in everything you can find online, and this couldn’t be more than true.
On the other hand, what’s definitely great is that all the answers are right there, just a few clicks away, especially those “how-to” tips we all seek and need from time to time. As for getting rid of stains, there are various ways to do so, and depending on how difficult they are, there are several approaches. Now, since most people are already familiar with how to remove those easy stains efficiently and fast, let’s focus on more difficult stains, those greasy, wine, or coffee ones.
1. Baking soda is a miracle worker

Baking soda can be pretty helpful when dealing with stains, but in order to get an even better effect, it’s highly recommended to mix it with other cleaners to get an even better effect. Now, baking soda is where it all starts, as it is the first thing we should apply on the couch or sofa and leave for about half an hour. Once it has done its magic, we can clean the entire surface with a clean towel and use other cleaners like dishwashing liquid, vinegar, and water. Of course, we need to be careful here, as what we want is a perfect mix, and about 1 tsp will do the trick.
In order to get the most out of this cleaning strategy, make sure to clean it properly, or to be more precise, use the towel to dub and rub in a gentle manner all the spots with stains. Once this process is completed, let it all dry, and after a certain amount of time, the end result will surely leave you in awe. This is probably the most efficient way, but it is also the one where the right amount of every ingredient for that magic mix is of vast importance, so make sure to follow these instructions.
2. Do not rush

Most people will try to remove the stain immediately before it dries, but this can do more harm than good, and it is always better to wait for a while. It doesn’t matter what we use to remove the wet stain, it can spread and make a much bigger mess than it would if we had just left it dry. Dry ones can be removed much easier, and all you need to do is scrap, and clean all the loose parts before cleaning the rest with a wet towel. Of course, some of the dry ones are more difficult to get rid of, but in most cases, if it is juice or coffee, just dap and let the towel absorb the extra liquid so that it doesn’t spread, and after the stain dries, it’s time to focus on cleaning. Some dry stains can be cleaned only with water without adding any chemicals, but on the other side, some might be much more stubborn and require something stronger than water. However, it is much easier to find the perfect cleanser for a dry stain than to make it bigger while wet and try to fix it later.
3. Use the toothbrush

It can be difficult to get rid of some persistent stains, regardless of how expensive the cleanser we use, because we cannot find a brush small and strong enough to scrub it. Luckily, there is a simple solution, which can be a real-life-saver in that situation, and we all have it in our bathroom. Instead of spending money on different brushes that should scrub the dirt and make our sofa clean again, we can simply use a toothbrush, and no worry, it can be handy even if it is already used. It is tiny but strong enough to brush all the dirt from our couch, and in combination with the right cleanser, it can make it look new again.
4. Try vinegar

We have already mentioned vinegar, and that’s because it is one of the indispensable ingredients in every kitchen, as most people cannot imagine making a salad or some special dish without it, but most of them are not aware that it can be used in various situations outside the kitchen. It might have a pretty strong smell for most of us, but it is one of the irreplaceable natural cleansers when it comes to limescale in the bathroom or kitchen. Besides that, it can be perfect for some greasy stains or those from ink and help us clean them much faster and safer than any other chemical. In order to do that, we should make a mixture of water and vinegar in the same amount, soak the stain, wait for a while and use a dry towel to scrub it. The process itself is pretty similar to the one with baking soda.
5. Consult professionals

Every piece of furniture, regardless of the material it is made from, needs to have a label with recommendations on how to clean it properly. It is hidden in most cases but not difficult to find, and reading it is probably the best first step we can take when it comes to cleaning it. Some materials cannot stand aggressive cleansers, some should be only vacuumed, and some of them can be cleaned in any way we want, so it is better to check it in time. Besides that, consulting the professional cleaners is probably the best way to go for these difficult stains, as they have vast experience in dealing with various stains and have a solution even for those most stubborn ones, and more info on that you can find on this website.