We can all agree that the Caribbean is an interesting part of the world. Those who have been there are completely aware of the reasons why it is so popular. Among the most interesting places, you will find St Kitts and Nevis. Its capital, Basseterre, is easily one of the most beautiful cities in the region and offers its visitors a lot of entertainment.
At the same time, we can see that the government has been working hard to increase the number of places their citizens can enter visa-free. At the same time, the prominence of this country’s passports has been rising steadily. If you want to learn about the passport itself, visit https://imperiallegal.com/media/articles/benefits-st-kitts-nevis-citizenship.
Now, let’s take a look at a list of the places you can enter with this passport without any prior procedure.
1. The UK

The first nation we want to include on this list of ours in the UK. We all know how rare are countries that have a free option when it comes to visiting this one. Thankfully, the diplomacy efforts of this island nation’s government made it possible that its citizens can enter it freely.
It needs to be said that their efforts didn’t need to be as challenging as is the case with some other countries since this country is a member of the commonwealth, which means that Queen Elizabeth is a de-jure head of state. Nevertheless, its residents are among a few privileged ones to enter the UK freely.
2. Argentina
Another interesting destination for the citizens of this country is Argentina. It is a South American country, which has a lot of history and decades of diplomatic relations with this island nation. If you take a look at some studies, you will see that Argentina is one of the preferred destinations here.
The nation we’re talking about is among the most significant ones in the region and a regional monetary powerhouse. So, it is clear why the local government has done its best to achieve the level of relationship to provide their citizens with a possibility for their residents to visit this one smoothly.
3. Germany

Germany, being among the biggest and most prominent countries in Europe and European Union, is a preferred destination for millions of people from all over the world. We are not just talking about those who want to visit it for touristic reasons, but also for those who want to open their business here.
At the same time, Germany’s government is open to a wide array of different business proposals from other countries. Therefore, concluding a deal on entry for the holders of this passport was a logical move to make. They can be in Germany for up to 60 days without any problem.
4. Iceland
The number of island nations in Europe is simply not as common as in some other regions out there. But there’s one that is both thought-provoking and distant to the continent to some degree. We are talking about the nation of Iceland. Little is known about the fact that Iceland is an important commercial hub for the northern part of Europe.
What separates Iceland from many countries on the old continent is that’s not a part of the European Union. At the same time, they maintain a healthy collaboration and business deal with countries who are. So, entering this country can offer numerous possibilities, and not many have this possibility.
5. South Korea

South Korea, an Asian economic powerhouse and one of the crucial countries in that part of the world has been creating so many connections all around the world, and counting all of them would simply require too much of our time. In the last couple of decades, they have done the same with the states of the Caribbean region.
So, you can see that a lot of them, including the one we have focused on today, have an opportunity to enter the country without going to the local embassy and making an application for this document. Due to the importance of South Korea, not just for the region, but for the world, this represents quite an interesting opportunity.
6. Senegal
The highest percentage of the population on the island is of African heritage. So, for them to have a connection with African nations has always been a priority. Probably the most interesting out of all the options they have in this regard is visiting Senegal, which is one of the most important countries on the continent, and taking this opportunity would definitely be a mistake.
Not only that it is one of the wealthiest ones, but according to numerous studies, it is one of the best places for starting a business in this region. Not to mention that Senegal is a beautiful country where tourists can see a lot of beautiful sites and have a one-of-a-kind experience. Those who visited it know just how unique it is.
7. Trinidad and Tobago

Last but not least, we want to point out a fellow island nation, Trinidad and Tobago. Since the cooperation with all the island nations in this region is intense and on a high level, nobody should be surprised why this sort of option is a possibility in this situation. It is a manifestation of lengthy ties between these two.
Many would say that these two nations have a lot in common. For instance, the capital of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, is quite similar to Basseterre. Also, the demographics are pretty much the same, meaning that the citizens of these two have a lot in common. Basically, they represent the closest cousins out of all the island nations of this region.
In Conclusion
As we’ve pointed out in this list of ours, the number of options is quite versatile in the case of this particular case. We’ve presented you with the most exciting places you can visit freely if you hold this passport. We don’t have any doubt you will find this list of ours quite interesting and informative.